5 Tips to Creating an Aesthetic & Functional Space

Have you recently purchased your first home?

As a new homeowner, it's exciting to decorate and design your space. You might feel like you have to get it all done and looking perfect in one go but remember it takes time to create a space that is uniquely yours and feels put together. It's about taking time, finding pieces that mean something, and enjoying the process.

Here are 5 tips to help you in your journey of curating the overall aesthetic and functionality of your space.


  1. Take Your Time, Don’t Rush the Process

    Take your time, gather inspiration, invest in quality pieces, and gradually curate a home you love.

  2. Stop Chasing Trends

    Instead, aim to curate a space with all the things you love whether it's “IN” or “OUT”

  3. Functionality First

    Aesthetics is important but functionality is a MUST!
    Ensure furniture allows easy movement & suits daily practical needs.

  4. Pay Attention to Lighting

    Lighting plays a pivotal role in how you feel in a space. It sets the mood, functionality, and overall ambiance of the space.

  5. Color Balance Is Important

    While mixing different textures, patterns, and colors can be exciting, it's important to maintain a sense of balance.

Take Your Time:

Decorating a home takes time, and it's essential to be patient.

Rushing to fill up the entire space or making impulsive purchases can

lead to design choices you may regret later.

Take your time, gather inspiration, invest in quality pieces,

and gradually curate a home you love.

Stop Chasing Trends:

TRENDS -  They come and they go and sometimes your left wondering “What’s In and What’s Out?”  I say stop chasing the trends… Instead, aim to curate a space with all the things you love whether it's “IN” or “OUT”.

Your home should reflect your personality and style.

If you LOVE something and it's OUT - go ahead and use it. If you DON’T LOVE something and it’s IN - don’t feel pressure to incorporate it into your life, leave it for someone else! 

Incorporate elements such as artwork, family photos, or sentimental objects to make the space truly yours.

Need some help finding your style- Take the Style Quiz

Functionality First:

Design is not just about aesthetics; you have to consider functionality.
Make sure your furniture and layout allow for easy movement and serve the
practical needs of your daily life. Some key things to watch for, are poorly scaled furniture, furniture placement, overcrowding, and clutter.

Remember - Leaving some empty space can make your home feel more open and spacious.

It is KEY to Measure your space carefully and select furniture
that is appropriately scaled to fit the room's proportions.

Poorly scaled furniture: One of the most common mistakes is choosing furniture that is either too big or too small for the room.  Oversized or undersized pieces can throw off the balance and make the space feel awkward. Measure your space carefully and select furniture that is appropriately scaled to fit the room's proportions. 

• Furniture Placement:  Placing furniture against walls or all in one corner can create a stagnant and uninviting atmosphere. Experiment with different furniture arrangements to find the best flow and balance in each room. 

• Cluttered & Overcrowding: It's important to find a balance between furniture and the available space. Resist the temptation to fill every corner and wall with furniture and accessories, as it can make the space feel cramped and hinder movement.

Pay Attention to Lighting:

Lighting plays a pivotal role in how you feel in a space. It sets the mood, functionality, and overall ambiance of the space  

• Inadequate Lighting: Insufficient or poorly placed lighting can make a room feel gloomy and uninviting.  Avoid relying solely on overhead lighting or using only one light source in a room. Incorporate a variety of lighting sources, such as ambient, task, and accent lighting, to create a well-lit and cozy atmosphere. 

• Natural Light: Natural light can greatly enhance the ambiance of a room.  Avoid blocking windows with large furniture, embrace natural light by using sheer curtains or blinds that allow light to filter through. If you need to add black-out curtains, use a double curtain rod, sheers in the front, and black-out curtains for more privacy.

Color Balance:

This might be the hardest one - Color can have a significant impact on the mood and atmosphere of a room.

While mixing different textures, patterns, and colors can be exciting, it's important to maintain a sense of balance.

Avoid too many colors and overwhelming patterns that clash, instead choose a color scheme that complements each other and creates a harmonious feel. Unless of course, your style is maximalist, then go ahead and mix, match, and maximize those colors! 

Notes from Wendy:

Remember- interior design is a subjective field, and what matters most is that your home reflects your personal style and brings you joy. These are just some simple tips but don't be afraid to break the rules and experiment to find what works best for you.


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Purr-fectly Decorated: Cat-Friendly Decorating Tips


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