Designer For A Day

Designer For A Day | Consultation

Starting at $80 per hour

A focused 1 hour design consultation with Spaces by Wen that is perfect for tackling different areas of your home with a designer at your side.

If you could use a little guidance in your DIY projects, I am here to help. Let's walk your space (virtuallv or in person) to create a plan to aet vour proiect and space comblete!

We can discuss turniture lavout, was to maximize vour space, how to use accessories vou

already have or even review items sitting in your online shopping cart. The time is yours to ask any and all of your design questions. If you have anything else interior design-related that isn't listed, just ask

What to Expect 

You can purchase one-hour blocks of time to present your interior design challenges or talk through your plans, and I will give you solutions and recommendations in real-time. The hour is yours to use as you please; ask as many questions as you like about any space or any facet of your design plan.

The design questionnaire, photos of room and basic project scope, must be submitted beforehand so that I can get an understanding of the space and your project.

Examples of what we can do together:

• Discussing desired vision mood for the space
• Expert advice on how to improve your overall space
• Look at your overall room flow and space planning
• Recommendations of decor styles, fixtures and color palettes
• Reviewing your existing items and decor to coordinate complimentary colors
• Advice for wall decor and styling ideas
• Decor placement
• Ideas on how to style that bookcase or credenza
• Review your own design ideas (I’ll be your second set of eyes!)
• Discussing our services and taking the next steps

What’s included:

• Review of your space photos prior to zoom 
• 1 hour video call- You choose what we discuss.
• Followup email with items discussed and suggestions for your space via notes / list (emailed)

What’s not included:

Consultations do NOT include detailed drawings, spacial plans or specific furnishing plans.


*$80 for the initial consultation hour

$60 for each additional hour over same day service.


This is not an immediate help service or call-line.
All meetings must be scheduled in advance during our regular office hours -
(Monday - Friday 9:00-4:00 PM / Saturday by Appointment, Sunday Closed).
Available: Virtual + Local + Hybrid

This is a decor-focused service and I will not consult architectural or structural issues.

*A travel charge will be applied to residences outside of our local radius. Travel reimbursement for tolls, bridges, and/or parking may apply.